We listen to our participants so we can make each event exceed previous occasions. Feedback helps us improve processes, research better topics and develop a more engaged conference experience. Here are a few anonymous feedbacks we received about our 2018 and 2019 events across the globe...
“The entire conference was so inspiring.”
“It was most valuable learning how to create an Autism at Work program, including what must be a part of my program, what should be avoided, and meeting the organizations and vendors who can assist me. I also really gleaned a lot from hearing from the autist’s themselves about their experiences and how they work most effectively, as well as their failures and how they have overcome tremendous odds to obtain and maintain employment.”
“I enjoyed the candid dialogue between the companies. Hearing how each of the companies approached establishing an Autism @ Work program and how they have adapted them based on what they have learned.”
“Hearing from people who self-identify as being on the Autism Spectrum was invaluable to me. So often at these events other people speak for them or on their behalf.”
“Networking; the people I met – that was the best part of the summit.”
“Both the panel presentations and keynotes, as well as the networking time were extremely valuable.”
“I liked being able to connect with other like-minded individuals and learn what individuals, academia and employers are doing to improve employability success for neurodiverse.”